Life if Full of Beauty and Illusion
There is a sacred purpose to art. We simply need it to survive.
The opposite of art is habit. Much of life is ruined for us by familiarity. People have become numb to their environment and require novel experiences and beauty to re-awaken a sense of wonder and re-sensitize us to the implications of the universe. Good art reveals the world in a way that is fresh, fascinating, and complex.
We find beauty in things when we can unconsciously sense qualities we need but are missing in our lives such as: gentleness, harmony, balance, peace, or strength. Beautiful objects hold an important function, they help nourish and educate our souls.
There is a spiritual science to decoration. Our surroundings hold a great deal of importance on the quality of lives we live. Every soul, environment, and spirit deserve some form of beauty. My mission here in this time on Earth is to spread as much beauty and joy around the world as humanly possible.
Every piece I create is a hand-crafted work of art made with love from start to finish and absolutely unique unlike anything else. Sending out and spreading love, beauty, and hope with every treasure and creation.
Wishing you and the universe well with the very best of intentions.
xoxo ~ Shannon